Feb 4, 2008

politics 2

i would like to add on a little bit on my post about my views of politics before this. at the end of the previous post, i mentioned about 2 parties policy. oh yea after some consideration, it is never gonna be an effective one as long as malaysians are still in the 3rd world mindset.

the most essential part for a 2 parties policy to function well is when all the members support for the best suggestions, regardless the idea is given by those from your own party, or from your opposition. In short, when you are in the cabinet, then put those parties issue aside, and do the best for the country. This does not only stimulate the country's growth, but also ensure that government projects does not terminate when a party succeed from another. Besides that, party leaders are also expected to be very open hearted when receiving critics or unsupportive behaviour from members of the own party, if what they pointed out is true and reasonable. A positive competitions with reasonable amounts of critics from the bottom of your party will ensure leaders not to 'sleep away' during their terms.

However, in my beloved home country, for this to happen seemed to be a bit difficult. A BN member will be exiled from the party if he make some comments about his own party. Elected BN members will need to support the policies by their leaders no matter what, and will be very united trying to reject any of the oppositions suggestions, no matter they are good or bad for the country. 3rd world mindset is stil deep inside each and every Malaysian. what should they do, and what they shouldn't, they still do not know. Immature behaviours of any leaders of any country, will only bring suffering to the residents.

politics is still far from dawn...

my blog... isn't dead yet...

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